swimming in the ocean

Sunday, September 26, 2010

specially thanks to Counselling Practicum cos it actually gave me the idea for a metaphor to describe my uni life...

yes...everyone has their own metaphor to describe their uni life..some may mention bout coffee or perhaps like riding a car?

but mine is.....

"swimming in the ocean"

swimming is the ocean may sounds crazy n weird...

yes, uni life is one heck of crazy journey for us...u may see it thru someday....

so as we swim across the ocean...the wide journey seems never ending journey

we may be given up on certain thing or mayb some may give up either before attempt to swim or some may even gave up half way thru the journey...

this journey is not an easy one tats why...

and even if u r ironman athlete, there's few things tat may be getting in ur way...

in the sea...

there are predators...

they will wait for u silently n cunningly to strike u...although the journey may seems promising to u...face the fact! some of the ppl around u may purposely backstab u for the benefit of self... or some may ditch u...or some may even wanna try to defeat u until u left nothing but bones...its true cos when there's human there will be such things ..not to mention there's some situation when u try to achieve it but u r crippled or become lame because of some weakness u have or because of ur background tat u can't avoid maybe?....so face the fact...but x see it as negative, why? without them..chasing after u..will u keep on running? no right?

then...away u r from the predators...

but u r human...u need to come out to surface to inhale sufficient oxygen into ur lungs to continue ur journey...but u knw..in uni life...nt everything will goes as ur plan...sometimes unfortunate things may occur to u..n u never knw when it happen just like lightning strikes u without any advance warning or any clue to u...this is life my fren...cos we are human n we are not the almighty god..so we can't see our future accurately as He is...tats why..

some may fall after this unfortunate strike...( i knw cos i almost got myself there) but i believe tat miracle will happen n it did...so i resume my journey although it is nonsense that once u strike by lightning n yet u still can be alive...should have drown urself deep deep into the sea....

miracle...my fren....miracle anything impossible happen when there's miracle....tats why...

however...some i knw do not knw how to swim at all...n fear of drowning themselves into the ocean...so may not even dare to try...no it doesn't matter...if u knw or not...to swim...u can also find a smarter alternative way perhaps to cross the ocean...n tat is by building a boat

as simple ur boat is ...it doesn't matter..as long u can make it float...built it with ur own will n wit ur own talent n honesty...it doesn't matter right? although seas may be rough or dangerous for such a simple boat to get across...but with the faith n heart...perhaps those who swimming along side u will help u to support it eventually

supporting u till u reach the shore...which we all ended together there...
and this shore is not a normal one as we all knw as we all sees it...daily

its something tht everyone dying to achieve it...risk themselve to be there...

what for?

because of the beauty n frens u struggle together will be there...or perhaps the place tht once describe by ur parents or someone u respect?

yes this is how i sees my uni life....

yet i do realize that u r swimming further n further away from ur own homeland to reach the paradise island...why u wanna do tat...? why do u wanna abandon ur family? ur dad, ur mom? ur sis n ur frens?

well i x position to explain to u why but wat i knw is to achieve such a goal..u need to drop some of ur past u feel safety

u x be the same as u will end up lik stagnant water...

u need to experience the changes of ur life...for the benefit of ur family n urself...this is important...if u wish to achieve ur own success

so my frens out there.... watever stress or some hopeless goal u face...

jus dun give up halfway...either u x step into the water or u find an alternative way to reach the shore of the paradise island...

because if u do so...no one is there to save u...speaking of ocean as the wide n vast places its hard to find u...its like a bean in the rices...

jus dun give up..braise urself...frens are there to help u also...like the boat...even if u r genius, can do well in academic but socially support is needed too...

family not to mention bout them...who concern u from behind...giving u hope n guidance n care u like as if u r still their forever baby to them...

just don't give up if u r halfway there...breath in the air awhile n continue swimming...

but not too long la breathing the air or else the predator will come after u....

so my frens...all the best n braise urself if u encounted it...

lik my motto i always had...."indulge and endure, what may come"

till then my frens...

fyi: i got this metaphor inspired by robinson crusoe stories n the castaway by tomhanks...


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