My delayed Happy Malaysia Day!

Monday, September 20, 2010

the last night at around this time....

as i went out for dinner, i saw something very interesting tht sparks my idea to blog

n wat exactly is the incident? well...

i saw a chinese mother with her child playing candles with two indian children (which happen to be the chinese mother's neighbour) n they all get along very well...very fun instead, i can hear laughter i can hear them talking bout it each other, yet the language they used by the indians was english n yet the boy speaks chinese to them...

i was wondering how could they actually communicate each other ? i wonder they understand each other? well it seems like they do...cos they were smiling to each other...

how wonderful it is le?

not only tat, in unrelated event, when i came back home from yumcha, i saw the same chinese mother n the indian mother were talking to each other...n they were like talking as if they are very good frens (gossiping and all those things la lol..housewives talk lol..)

n ya wats so special about it?

yes there is.....they actually comm each other in CANTONESE..yup i am serious in it..cos i pull my ear very long to confirm this...imagine that an indian actually spoke cantonese (fluent one) to her...n seems like not threaten at all....

what say you?

5 years old children, can get along very well..not even fight or stereotype among each other...

if a child can instinctively not being racist among each other...why not us?

why should we need to be racist or stereotyped among each other?

why need to go against each other? worth meh?

of course not...

be tolerate to each wat we have different culture n belief...

but there is one thing for sure that we are all the SAME!

n that is...


n this is something we should be proud of to have such a multicultural nation like us...ask u...

cos u never gonna enjoy such varieties of food thnks to different races in malaysia....

we have more festivals thanks to different cultures in malaysia....

so MALAYSIANS...learn wat tht young children did...n x be ashame of it...cos its something pride for u to do it...

so this i wrote in conjunction of my delayed HAPPY MALAYSIA DAY!!


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